It’s Jill of Coaches for Health Freedom.
I have an URGENT call to action that I’m sharing with you in a couple of hours. Many of you likely know what I'm talking about. Please, please stay tuned for this message. #savethekids
But first, I wanted to re-welcome you. Many of you signed up for this newsletter months ago (thank you) and it was never my intention to launch my new website and then go silent. Here it is October and this is my first message to this community, which grows daily. 🙏🏼
I’ve actually had so much to say, I end up tripping over myself. The world has been changing faster than I can keep up with and the last few months have been a whirlwind. Many of you are likely thinking, “Uh, tell me about it.”
Although I’ve been quiet, the mission of CHF is being fulfilled. Through emails, phone calls, and Zoom meetings, my team and I have been inspiring and supporting healthcare practitioners in stepping up and stepping out, even in our often-contentious and censorship-filled environment. Many of them are now joining us in this important movement, either by writing (in their newsletters or social media outlets), one-to-one conversations with their
clients/patients, speaking to small groups, or starting to work at the legislative level.
I could tell you about the flurry of rallies and health freedom conferences I’ve attended since last spring when my site launched—and how they’ve had me drinking from the firehose of information related to this mess we’re in.
I could write about how I’ve gone from working for Stand for Health Freedom on a project-by-project basis to soon taking on the more substantive role of Content Specialist.
I could tell you about the sheer excitement about this new role and how I’m truly living my purpose—and also about the deep but welcome grief of releasing the reins (mostly, not completely) of my 16-year health coaching practice to live this purpose.
This is me with Leah Wilson, Executive Director of Stand for Health Freedom, at the Global Health Freedom Summit in September.
I could share the magic of how I was hand-wringing over whether to sell my practice or keep it when a Doctorate of Nutrition, Dr. Elizabeth Naylor, reached out to say, “I’ve been watching you for months and I’m behind you.
How would you feel about me coming into your practice so that you can dedicate yourself to the health freedom movement?” For real.
Clearly, I was born for such a time as this. I will die on this hill.
I could tell you about how I was interviewed for the recent Vaxxine Secrets series, thinking that these esteemed filmmakers were just doing my friend, Jennifer Margulis, a favor when she told them they needed to interview me—and how I actually forgot all about it because I assumed there was no way I’d make the cut. Well, I made the cut and my email blew up.
(It blew up with requests to connect with me to talk about my experience stepping up. That’s what I offer with CHF, free conversations. I’ve had so many requests, I’m very soon scheduling two Zoom Q&A/ask me anything sessions. If you want to be put on the
list to get a notification about these Zoom calls, just reply to this email.)
Most importantly for me, I could write a whole story about how, during all of this, I ended a marriage and how trying to protect my daughter from ALL.THE.THINGS I stand against has nearly consumed me.
I know they say that you’re supposed to speak in terms of what you’re for versus what you’re against, that whole “creating the future you want to see” versus “fighting” thing. But as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, "We are going to win this battle. We have plans and we have a strategy. We are going to stand shoulder-to shoulder; we are going to bring them down and I will see you at the barricades."
I wouldn’t call this a battle. I'd call it a war. I have plans. And I’ll see you at the barricades.
(I got to see Jimmy Levy perform this song live a couple of weekends ago at a health freedom conference in Kansas City and I can’t listen to it without sobbing. "Home of the slave 'til the crickets make a sound. Where's the bold and the brave? We all have to stand our ground." 🎤)
At the end of the day, my comings and goings and all the amazing connections I’ve made and “big names” I’ve met aren’t what’s important. This isn’t a popularity contest and I’m as introverted as they come, although you can see a few photos on my Instagram page.
I was born for such a time as this. 🔥
Please stay tuned for the call to action I’m sending you later today.
Jill McLaughlin (Grunewald)
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