Hello CHF community,
It’s been a while. And so much has happened. I know you know.
I'm doing a live interview this weekend that I hope you can catch. But first...
We have Bobby’s very bold and unselfish move that still has people in tears. What many of us have speculated on for years actually materialized.
"Can you
imagine the pressure he was under to do anything but this? He chose my kids. He chose yours. He chose all the babies being born from here on out."
If you can read the article above and not get choked up, I suggest you unsubscribe from this newsletter.
Bobby's historic move has opened eyes, minds, and hearts to his true intentions—addressing the chronic
disease epidemic, especially in children. (Most people reading this know exactly why we have a chronic disease epidemic in children. It’s so blatantly obvious, it’s unfathomable that parents and the medical industrial complex are still scratching their heads.)
We have generations to save. And anyone who can’t get behind this is lost beyond rescue.
Then we have the Means siblings sounding the alarm on pharma capture...it nearly broke the internet. And you know what cracks me up about this? Several of my “woke,” jab-happy friends and colleagues in the health and
nutrition world were followers of Casey Means before she dropped her truth bombs with Carlson. Their heads are spinning that Means would be interviewed by a conservative. 😱
Man, talk about cognitive dissonance.
Then, the warrior mamas of OpenV@ERS built a searchable database of jab ingredients. Now, all the people who’ve made fun of us for saying that there’s ab@rted fetal tissue in jabs can see for themselves, right there above the fold (you don’t have to scroll or read an insert). Although this certainly isn’t the only place it’s been published. I started talking about this in
Anyone who’s a-okay with cell lines from ab@rted babies being injected into themselves and their children is lost beyond rescue.
There’s so much more, but I’m keeping this short.
I’m about to shoot out the door for one of the single best HF conferences…the Global H-ealth F-reedom Summit. This is my fifth year going and I love every minute of it. (Doing what I can to keep this newsletter alive and well by using those hyphens. Because as you
also know, censorship is alive and well.)
This weekend, I’ll be connecting with old friends and meeting some new ones at an intimate dinner tonight and then an all-day conference tomorrow and will go well into the evening. Then another dinner with close friends.
On Sunday
morning, I gotta drag myself out of bed for a live interview with my friend, Brian Festa, Esq. and his 5th annual V Safety Awareness Marathon. I guess I shouldn’t say gotta, I should say get to. It’s such an honor. I can’t believe I’ll be in this