And lo and behold, I’m not a lone wolf anymore…I’ve now connected with a few moms right here in my “hyperwoke” community who feel exactly the same way I do.
You’re aware that this all works together, right? Health freedom and parental rights are inextricably linked and we parents with babies in the indoctrination camps schools have to be extra vigilant, especially given the new push for SBHCs (school based health
According to Stand for Health Freedom, “SBHCs are different from the traditional school nurse model where students receive first-aid services in response to accidents or illnesses … on or near school property. SBHCs are designed to diagnose and treat children during school hours and provide preventative and
ongoing care. They are intended to be a ‘medical home’ where a child can get preventative treatment (such as vaccines), specialty care (such as mental and behavioral health counseling and prescription treatment), reproductive health counseling and treatment, and so much more.” (My emphases.)
Of course, it’s couched as a touchy-feely “powerful tool for achieving health equity among children and adolescents who unjustly experience disparities in outcomes simply because of their race, ethnicity, or family income.”
But it’s a CLEAR, anti-parent power grab that can have devastating
Schools have NO business diagnosing, treating, and providing “preventative” care (we all know what this means) and prescriptions.
Not to mention, we do know that equity and equality mean two totally different things…
Equity = equal outcomes
Equality = equal opportunity
SHF continues, “SBHCs often
reassure the public that they seek parental consent for treatment, but the national School Based Health Alliance is pushing to standardize a single ‘consent to treat’ form parents sign at the beginning of the school year, giving the providers full authority to manage the child’s health care needs throughout the year without further consultation from the parents. Parents cannot and should not delegate this much authority over their child’s wellbeing to any authority who will attend to the child
in a situation of unequal power balance.”
Even if you don’t have kids in the schools, please… ⬇️
Go here to take action against this blatantly anti-parent agenda >
Okay, let’s meet up.
I’ve got us down for September 6 at 6:30pm Central Time.
• I don't have an agenda for these meetings, other than to connect, support, and collaborate
• I don't want them to just be b**ch sessions about the ills of the world, I want them to be productive
Register with the link below, but also, I wanted to share that on September 9, I have the honor of being on Atty Brian Festa’s live event, the Vaxxine Safety Awareness Marathon. What an honor!
Catch the live event here >
Register for our community gathering on 9/6 with this link:
After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.