As many of you know, I had the honor of interviewing Kenny Mauer last week. Kenny is the beloved and dedicated NBA ref of over 40 years who got the boot for refusing to take an experimental vial of DNA-altering juice in his arm.
And now he’s suing in federal court. 🔥
Below is a link for the recording of our conversation.
I implore you to listen to Kenny’s incredible story.
And I’m warning you…there’s a particularly, heartbreakingly, unbelievably difficult portion of the interview to listen to. Many of you know about what Kenny so bravely talks about here, but some
Now, you can’t say you didn't know.
Again, I’d love for you to take in the whole thing, but be prepared for what he talks about starting at 32:28. Do not
have any children within earshot.
Please, give to Kenny’s lawsuit. He needs us.
As he says:
▸ He’s giving every dime back—he’s going to record where it all goes and publish it.
▸ He’s not just doing this for himself because he said that what’s happening to him can happen to anyone.
Recording link below. And please SHARE this interview! When you do, share the same warning I gave you above. ⬆️
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