As many of you know, Kenny is the highly respected NBA ref with a flawless 40-year career who was forced into early retirement due to league mandates.
He said he was always “kind of a rebel” and when the NBA mandated that refs, but not players or rookie refs, be jabbed for C, he pushed back. They refused his religious exemption and now he's suing. 🔥
And…they’re withholding his pension. #%*$&#@?
He’s now suing the NBA in federal court, a potential (likely) precedent-setting case against a multinational corporation.
Come and hear his story about how the NBA has changed over the years, about his lawsuit, and about his
upcoming book.
He will win. They're trying to break him, but he's unbreakable. He's surrounded by the best team and he will win. 🔥
He’s a fearless and
unapologetic health freedom warrior. One of my favorite quotes from the WUFF conference was when he said, “This movement is 4:1 women to men. Where the hell are the men?” #truth
Join us on Wed. the 4th at 6:30pm Central Time to show your support of this rebel and hear his story.
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