The interview doesn’t cover my parental rights efforts so much, but if you’d like to hear my media interview about what's going on in the schools, let me know and I’ll make sure you get it when it comes out next week.
Being Well-Beings podcast (my interview is
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My coaching background and training; personal circumstances that led me to health and nutrition coaching
(00:11:50): My observations on the growth, changes, and standardization of health coaching; the conflicting messages about
1:1 coaching vs. working with groups; going from burnout to renewed focus and passion
(00:17:21): My frustration with coaching “gurus” saying, “You’ll never make it doing 1:1 coaching”
(00:18:56): My thoughts on “niching”
(00:20:56): Coaching: giving direction and supporting the client’s journey vs. telling them “what to do” or “fixing” them; the benefits of living in a Safe Harbor state for the unlicensed practitioner
(00:24:57): The factorization of health coaching (tech-based); quantity over quality
(00:26:38): My journey taking a public stand
for medical and health freedom; how it started and the personal and professional ramifications
(00:31:34): Knowing in 2019 that vaxx mandates were coming
(00:32:25): I don’t like hypocrites; I had to speak out or I’d get sick
(00:34:27): What happened post-publication of my anti-mandate tome, healthcare practitioners reaching out
(00:35:26): Starting my organization, Coaches for Health Freedom + my mission
(00:37:46): Doing what I needed to do; not an option to not speak out; nothing but blessings and transmutation since
Losing it all was on the table, but my business doubled
(00:41:55): Shunned by some friends, all new tight community now
(00:42:29): Some don’t agree with me but there’s still respect and we’re still connected
(00:44:25): The role of coach as connector
(00:47:37): Betrayal, intuition, and foresight
(00:49:45): The person who coached and pushed me through the process…“You’re going to empower at least 50 people”
(00:51:18): The power of vulnerability and being “medicated”
(00:53:53): Having a target on my back; an angel who
showed up
(00:55:16): The start of Lo’s Coaches for Freedom organization (different from Coaches for Health Freedom); her experience losing her job; finding each other/our sisterhood
(00:59:26): What people are reaching to me for now; the juxtaposition of renewed passion for coaching and the devastation/regression for many, especially my autoimmunity community (especially alopecia) who feels the rug has been ripped from under them;
Healthful Elements 4.0
(00:64:22): Heartbreak and grief, not just in the alopecia community, but also those with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmunity
(01:06:46): Hypocrites in the holistic health space
(01:08:29): Proud to be a holdout; locking arms with other coaches and the next frontier
(01:09:14): Pressure to get the C shot and
the regret
(01:10:38): Prominent functional medicine doctor got the shots, not doing well; what’s going on in the holistic health community more distressing to me than the dissolution of my
(01:11:13): Devastation and being a lone wolf
(01:11:38): Announcement coming soon about real, effective solutions for C shot adverse reactions (Note: This is what yesterday's presentation was about. Email me if you want the replay.)
(01:12:18): Huge opportunity for health coaches right now
(01:14:01): The mental health crisis; the healthcare industrial complex
harvesting coaches and paying them very little; carving out a new way; the helm of the V formation (bird reference)
(01:15:09): Coach ethics and fundamental principles based on non-judgment, autonomy based upon informed
consent and sovereignty
(01:17:05): We’re seeking like-minded coaches for our inner circle, not that many of us; if you’re listening, reach out
(01:19:42): Laura Minard’s Nurse Coach certification; Dr. Paul Thomas, “We’re going to see a tsunami of autoimmunity”
(01:20:24): The need to understand autoimmunity as a health coach; but not a substitute for medical care
(01:22:53): Preserving the
sanctity of coaching; unconditional positive regard
(01:24:10): People are hungry for the truth even though they may not like what they hear; authenticity and respect is in our ethics, it’s our
(01:25:48): What propels me to keep going in the parental rights and health freedom movements; no one will have my child and I’ll die on this hill
(01:29:03): Being a mama bear; time is out, it’s now or never
(01:29:57): A societal crossroads
(01:30:16): Advice for new coaches; the days of “fluffy” coaching are over because people are
digging for the truth; time for new blood; eyes open, no blinders
(01:32:46): One word for success: writing, builds trust (Note: I'm a bestselling author, have written for several doctors' blogs, and may be
offering my Health Writer's Studio course in the near future.)
(01:35:34): The cross-tide is happening
(01:36:46): People everywhere have lost trust in the conventional medicine model; the system is crumbling, which is a great opportunity for coaches (not that we’re replacing healthcare)
(01:38:20): Emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing; building bridges, being connectors and networkers to healthcare providers/telemedicine
(01:41:15): Pulling people from the burning building
Have a great rest of your weekend.