November 30 rolled around quickly!
Tomorrow night is the night...Dr. Toby Rogers is joining us to discuss
the state of "things," including strategies for moving forward in the most effective way.
Speaking of moving forward, if you're local, MaskOff has joined V Safety Council of MN in creating an event on Dec. 11 called The Current and Future State of Medical Freedom in MN.
Complimentary taco bar starting at 3:00pm! 🌮
For tomorrow night:
1. You don’t have to be a practitioner of any type to join us. We have quite a few concerned parents and grandparents in this community.
2. I don’t come into these conversations with an “agenda.”
3. We're going to stay focused on the future, not rehashing the insanity that got us here.
4. It will be recorded for those who sign up.
I think you all know Toby, but...
Dr. Toby Rogers has a PhD in political economy from the University of Sydney in Australia. His doctoral thesis, "The Political Economy of Autism," explores the regulatory history of five classes of toxicants that increase autism
risk. He also has a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Rogers writes, speaks, and teaches about the rise in chronic illness in children and does grassroots political organizing with medical freedom groups across the U.S. working to keep toxicants out of our bodies. You can follow him on Substack or via his