This is a friendly reminder that we have one of our semi-regular Zoom community gatherings coming up on November 30. There are several new subscribers here, so
if you’re unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, I invite fellow health freedom fighters to come together to support one another in speaking out—in whatever way makes sense for you.
And we have a special guest for our next gathering, which I’m so excited about.
Firstly, please know:
1. You don’t have to be a practitioner of any type to join us. We
have quite a few concerned parents and grandparents in this community.
2. I don’t come into these conversations with an “agenda.”
3. I don’t want these gatherings to be b*tch sessions about all the ills of the world and what’s going on out there. In other words, I don’t want to rehash election results, all the reasons that mandated “medicine” is wrong, or all the V injury that’s crushing society right now. Yes, all of this is SO important, but we could talk for hours about it. I want to talk about how we move forward.
To that end, our guest on November 30 will be the inimitable Toby Rogers, PhD, political economist and author of The Political Economy of Autism.
I know I've mentioned him a ton. We're good friends and he keeps me in the know and keeps me in stitches with his Substack.