After my newsletter a few days ago that made mention of my prior “black coffee and doritos” message, I received a few responses asking about it. Indeed, ALL of those who reached out have Gmail accounts—Gmail makes it tough to get messages read when so many newsletters end up in Promotions tabs.
I wanted to resend it anyway. And now is a good time, based on what we’re currently dealing with. ⬇️
Two nights ago, I had the honor of attending a “war room” meeting with some of the bravest, most hard-hitting people in our movement. The goal? To take the next six weeks to SHUT DOWN the EUA for our babies, age 6 months to 4 years.
We did it before. And we’ll
do it again.
“We,” meaning…all of us. The prior Calls to Action went out in multiple channels and the backlash to this insanity and abuse of our children was ferocious.
This group is going to meet once a week to “hit and move” and with your help, thrust even fiercer backlash on the FDA.
The group was assembled in part by the inimitable Toby Rogers. Many of you know Toby. He and I have become good friends in recent months and there’s simply no one else like him in the movement.
As he said, “The Biden administration had already bought the doses to shoot up the little kids with genetically modified mRNA (‘shoot ‘em up first, get the data later’). The data must have been truly horrible given that they decided to take the loss now. In April, we go to the barricades again. But we’ve got a model now for how we win so let’s keep it going.”
We’re going to keep it going. Every day, in every way.
As Toby also said in the meeting, it’s a gift that we have these six weeks. Typically, the (rigged) risk/benefit analysis drops a mere two business days before the meeting. That doesn’t allow much time for public feedback—which is by design.
This will most likely happen again (the analysis dropping two business days prior) but we have these six weeks to determine how the study was rigged.
As he said, “We can’t wait for the docs to drop. We have to create the drumbeat NOW.”
If you want to be part of Mission: Save the Babies, stay tuned.
As I’ve said, I don’t consider myself a source of news per se, so I recommend following Toby, which leads me to my next point.
Below is a redux of my ‘black coffee and doritos’ newsletter that many didn’t see. Plus, we have a lot of new subscribers here. 🙏🏼
As I say below, I believe Toby to be one of THE most prolific people in our movement and he needs our support.
* * *
Many of you know Toby—he writes, speaks, and teaches about the rise in chronic illness in children and does grassroots political organizing with medical freedom groups across the U.S.
He’s one of THE hardest working and most prolific people in our movement, hands down.
His hard-hitting, impeccably researched, and biting commentary has captivated me for months and in recent weeks, we’ve become good friends. He’s now on the Advisory Council for Coaches for Health Freedom and I’m still kind of star-struck by him. And HE thinks I’M a good writer! 😳
Toby and I have talked at length about how the next few months are going to be critical for our movement.
If you’re exhausted from this s**t like we are, and if you’re fed up with the lies and censorship like we are, I’m asking you to buckle up, step up, and if you’re already “out there,” to be even more courageous in your advocacy.
I’m gearing up to do just that with my Coaches for Health Freedom platform as well as my role as Content Specialist with Stand for Health Freedom.
And I’m going to be straight up with you…
We need to support Toby. ⬅️
He doesn’t have the benefit of a development team. He’s not a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4). He doesn’t have an executive assistant or social media manager. He’s just a guy—an insanely smart guy who, like me, is 100% committed to seeing this through.
He’s not constrained by a boss or board of directors and he can say whatever the hell he wants—which is what makes his writing so captivating. And his content has garnered so much attention from the press, that he’s been censored on all social platforms and USA Today, Reuters, and a wide range of Bougie Grifter Stasi (Toby’s words for “narrative check”) groups have done hit pieces on him. (If he weren’t telling the truth, they wouldn’t bother.)
Where is this content, you may ask? Toby has a Substack page and I’m asking you to become a paid subscriber. (Do I get a financial kickback
for sharing this? Hellz no. CHF doesn't even take donations.)
As he says, “The revolution has begun and I have a lot of say about it.”
If you want to be gobsmacked with some sobering truth at the same time you’re doubled over laughing, Toby is your guy.
Please enter your email at the link above and you’ll then be taken to a page where you can choose your support level. ⬆️
After meeting and becoming friends with some of the most prominent people in the health freedom movement over the last 2.5 years, I’m convinced that Toby is one of our MVPs.
We CANNOT lose this guy.
You can choose your support level.
Did I mention that:
- The next few months are going to be critical
- Toby is unequivocally one of our movement’s MVPs?
I really need to add that Toby is sweet and humble and he’s is one of my favorite people in the community to talk with. (He’s one of those people who doesn’t try to talk over you and if you both start saying something at the same time, he always says, “No, you go.”)
On my way home from a recent conference, we talked for 2 hours and I’m touched and humbled that our conversation inspired these articles:
The thought-work matters >
Developing a satyagraha for the medical freedom movement >
In one of our conversations about the intensity of being on the front lines of this movement, he jokingly said that he’s mostly surviving on black coffee and Doritos.
Being the mother hen that I am, I said, “Toby, are you getting a good breakfast?” He chuckled and said, “Yes.”
Support Toby now >
Follow Toby on Instagram >
Jill McLaughlin
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