The Health Freedom Summit is designed to inform and equip as many people as possible as we pass landmark legislation and take community action to ensure our rights are never turned into privileges again.
If the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can be canceled by a state of emergency, guess what we’re going to have? Perpetual emergencies. We invite you to be a part of the offensive team and as we go for the win.
The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. - Bruce Lee
The interviewees will reveal agendas within the medical-industrial complex and warn that decisions within the sacred patient/physician relationship can never again be politicized.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jeff Witzeman, Thomas Renz, Mary Holland, Dr. Pam Popper, and Peggy Hall are sharing about landmark lawsuits explaining how they’re successfully countering declared states of emergency.
The organizers are also introducing a unique training platform called Bonds for the Win that will educate people on how to hold elected officials accountable to their oaths of office. We all know that restored accountability at every level of government is an important protection against future federal and global agendas.
Some of the presentations include:
➡️ Fighting Medical Apartheid Through Advocacy, Education, and Public Policy - Kevin Jenkins (Kevin is a friend and I LOOOVE this man.)
➡️ Corruption, Persecution, and the Epidemic in Sickness Among the [Vaxx’d] - Dr. Paul Thomas (He’s also a friend and an amazing human being.)
➡️ C OVID-19 [Shots] and Neurodegenerative Disease - Stephanie Seneff, PhD
➡️ Prevention and Treatment of C OVID-19 - Peter McCullough MD, MPH (Me and Dr. McCullough at an event in January ⬇️ )