If you’re paying any modicum of attention to what’s going on in the health freedom movement, you know that things move quickly. Sometimes for good, sometimes for the (seemingly) not so good.
In the end, I know we’ll prevail. 🔥
But until then, our heads will be on a constant swivel. It’s a full-time job to stay abreast of it all and just when I think I’m going to write about something, I get distracted by some other facet of the movement. And so it goes.
Case in point. I was all set to rage against the repulsive EUA for our babies and to send a call to action to ask you to do the same when, on Feb. 11, the FDA was forced to admit defeat.
Now, they’ll redress a corpse as they “wait for more data” and then try again in April. So it’s not over and we have to remain ever-vigilant.
If you want to stay on top of this situation and get some good laughs at the same time, follow Toby Rogers.
At the end of the day, I don't consider myself to be a source of “news” for you. I have too many friends and colleagues (like Toby, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Jennifer Margulis, or the team at Stand for Health Freedom (who I do some work for)) who are way better at this than I am. (Speaking of Toby, if you haven’t read my newsletter titled, “black coffee and doritos” from Dec. 20, please do. I may resend it.)
I do plan on doing another Zoom call for this community soon and for now, I have an event I want to share with you. My friend, Steph Lind, is hosting a Health Freedom Summit that will feature 34+ of the nation’s doctors of conscience (I love this term), front-line journalists, and top legislators who will share practical strategies to strengthen our health,
freedom, and sovereignty.
It starts this week, on Thursday the 10th >
I find these events to be so, so helpful in keeping me abreast of what’s going on. Sure, we have email newsletters and social media, but I also love the in-depth interview format.
Like you, I’m so tired of the distortion of truth, censorship of effective solutions, and normalization of irrational beliefs and behaviors. We’ve seen unprecedented medical, scientific, and political censorship across the globe and as you all know, masks, lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates have caused immeasurable harm to our most vulnerable—our children, our elderly family
members, and the immunocompromised and disabled.
We all need to speak the truth whenever and wherever we can—which is why I started Coaches for Health Freedom. (Again, I’m doing another Zoom call soon to support you in speaking out.)
For now, please check out Steph’s event. Again, she’s a friend—a passionate warrior in this movement who’s as committed as I am to winning this battle.
The Health Freedom Summit is relaunching with trusted voices like Dr. Peter McCullough (a true warrior who I got to
meet in January), Naomi Wolf, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Kevin Jenkins, Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jeff Witzeman, Dr. Robert Malone, and so many others.
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Listen to the voices speaking truth to power >
Jill McLaughlin
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