As many of you know, things didn’t go our way last week.
But we’re playing the long game. #savethekids
VRBPAC didn’t hold the line for children aged 5-11, but we’re praying the ACIP does. We have a very short time to reach the moral conscience of these people.
"If they dare to approve the EUA for this tender age group, it will be their undoing." – Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
This is a 4-step process:
- VRBPAC meeting (approved Oct. 26)
- FDA Director (approved yesterday)
- ACIP (Tuesday, Nov. 2) ⬅️
- CDC Director (shortly thereafter)
The response last week was incredible. Let’s buckle up and do it AGAIN. Our children are counting on us.
Making your voice heard isn’t difficult. Stand for Health Freedom and Dr. Toby Rogers make it easy. Please take some time to call, comment, email, and fax.
Go to Dr. Toby Rogers’ call to action Part 2 > (SHARE this far and wide.)
Toby makes it SO EASY to reach these experimental drug cheerleaders. See his list of names and how to contact them ⬆️. And we need to do it prior to this Tuesday.
(As Toby says, “Every person on this list has a financial conflict of interest. That is not good science.”)